Ankara – African Prints Attire

Hello my lovelies, hope you have are having a good day? Mine is going alright thanks for asking in your head and if you haven’t asked well now you know hehe.

Let just say the one person that always strongly influence me in terms of Ankara wear is my mother just because she has tons of it and I can raid her wardrobe anytime I go home. So, here is another outfit from my mum’s wardrobe, everything I am wearing from head to toe expects the bag is from her closet so thank you woman for this outfit.

Just like any other weekend in Cardiff whereby there is always Owanbe (means, when you invite yourself to a party as someone you know, is going). My mum told me about the party but I had nothing to wear because I didn’t prepare for any party but I still agreed to go with the little one. AJ has a few Ankara wear at my mum’s which is always convenient when occasion like this arises.

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As she tried a few outfits on and I saw this one I decided to try it on myself and it looks great on me so I had to wear it to the party. She then accessorized me with earrings, anklet, sparkling mules and of course the gele ( head tie). Let just say the only thing I gave back was the shoes because they are not my size, earrings, and anklet and I now own the attire and gele (head tie) hehe.

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The funny thing that happened on that day was going to the wrong party which was very awkward but we figured we were at the wrong place within 5 mins as the vibe was not the typical Nigerian party. We later found the right venue which is just across the road, such a relieve hehe. It was a fun evening and AJ got £20 from one of my Auntie which was great and I helped him spend it well of course.

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Comment below if you have been to a wrong party? 

FYI: I have a YouTube Channel now and if you want to check me out click here



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